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August-September 2024 Tropical Music Fun!


Seattle, WA USA Guadalajara, JAL MX


Ian Dobson Music Newsletter

Ian and his Drums


Ian and his Drums    Ian and his Drums    iandobson.comIan and his Drums       





Hello World!


What an amazing Spring-Summer 2024 season we’ve had so far! Thank you to all of our musical friends that wanted to celebrate their library openings, festivals, school assemblies, outdoor concerts, and private events with us.



Dancin' all around


I gotta say, it’s been super crazy here in the last couple of months!


I've been traveling non-stop since late May, and happily so! From Seattle to Oregon to Kansas and all over Washington, we’ve had so much fun with Steel Drum PartiesRecycalypso Workshops and Tropical Escapes.


I videod and uploaded some of the audience remixes I’ve improvised during these performances.  Check'em out!  These remixes are created with the audiences' sounds that I capture live during our performances and reflect the audience's creativity, a delightful group music making experience, and a fun way to remember the show.


Did you add your musical voice to any of these show remixes?


Renton Farmers Market Remix


Opening of Summer Reading at Muckleshoot Library


Raymond Historic Theatre


Mountain View Elementary


Auburn's Kids Summerstage


Algona Pacific Library


Thank you, librarian Robbin!


My Recycalypso workshop/show takes a bit of preparation on the part of the person putting it on.  Ms. Robbin from the Muckleshoot King County Library did such an amazing job with these preparations!  She generously agreed to allow me to video as she showed off the resources she prepared for Recycalypso.  This video is highly-recommended watching for librarians, school teachers, homeschool parents, or anyone else who would like to present my Recycalypso program because  offers great ideas of ways to engage attendees prior to my performance.  


Click here to watch and be inspired!!




Librarian Robbin


Gig at Clark College


I've had the privilege to perform at Clark College a number of times over the years.  It is always fun!  Here are some pics that the folks at Clark College took of our performance during their Spring Fest. Thank you Clark College for having us again!



Our Tonala Adventure


As many of you might know, I spent the 2023-2024 Winter season in Mexico. During this time, we had the opportunity to visit a very interesting place: a komil distillery. Among many other things, I learned that this traditional liquor is NOT to be confused with mezcal or tequila!


Please enjoy this short video of our visit.


Our Tonala Adventure 



Let me know if you can make it to any of our concerts, it’s gonna be a blast seeing you!






It has been a spring/summer absolutely packed with performances, but as summer draws to a close I have a few more spaces opening up in my schedule.  What better time to book that end-of-summer party, back to school celebration for your community, back-to-school assembly where you teach, or any other event in the next few months where you would like some joyous music!





PACIFIC NORTHWEST BOOKINGS available through early November, 2024


MEXICO BOOKINGS available from December 2024 through April 2025


Follow these steps to book your tropical party TODAY:




That’s all for now, friends. See you next time!



Keep dancin’



Ian Dobson

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April-May 2024 Tropical Music Fun!

Seattle, WA USA Guadalajara, JAL MX

Ian Dobson Music Newsletter

Ian and his Drums


Ian and his Drums    Ian and his Drums    iandobson.comIan and his Drums       





Hello everyone!  I hope you are all doing well.



It is the beginning of May and I am still in Guadalajara, Mexico, but I’m getting ready to go back to my lovely Pacific Northwestern US, I’ll keep you posted!



Our upcoming public gigs!


Speaking of the Pacific Northwest… thank you, thank you, thank you!! My Summer 2024 schedule is filling up quickly. I hope to get many chances to see you all this year. So far, these are the public gigs I have been blessed with.  There are many more private ones:

Let me know if you are going to be able to make it to some of them, I would love to catch up!


A surprising instrument

Those who follow me on my social media saw me post some info about bucket drumming, but I wanted to share it with you, my newsletter-readers. 


I hope you enjoy it!  Please let me know if you do so I'll know to include more informative segments like this in the future.



Human ingenuity never ceases to amaze me! Imagine having the opportunity to turn "garbage" into an educational experience. Take for example the fine art of bucket drumming.


Bucket drumming was popularized in New York City in the 1980s, although the creation of sound and music with disposable objects goes way back.


Bucket drummers usually use five gallon plastic buckets, but you can experiment with different sizes and materials, from water bottles to huge containers, and even pots and pans.

This style of music making is very popular in cities such as New York, Chicago, and Seattle.


Buckett drumming is an amazing gateway for children and adults to start experimenting with music. I've created a series of programs with the goal of encouraging such experimentation. Ask me about them, I'll be glad to share them with you!


Early birds get the fattest worms!


I’m still available for a couple of dates throughout the summer (May through October, 2024). 


Please refer to my calendar if you are interested in booking my services for your parties! I’m offering some great discounts for those who plan ahead!



That’s it for today, folks! See you pretty soon.  i can’t wait to start our 2024 United States season!!


Keep dancin’



Ian Dobson

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Fall 2023 Tropical Music Fun!

Seattle, WA USA Guadalajara, JAL MX

Ian Dobson Music Newsletter

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Ian and his Drums    iandobson.comIan and his Drums       




Hi Everyone,



How come we are already in October? Where did the summer go!? Oh yea I remember, it went speeding past as I was having an absolute blast playing for fabulous audiences all over the Pacific Northwest!  


In this newsletter I want to share with you some of the improvised music that I created with these audiences.




if you want to celebrate the Fall or to throw the BEST Halloween Party, I'm your man! Book your private party today!


The bad news… while I have a few more private performances in October there are no more public shows currently scheduled.


The good news… I will be available to perform or lead music workshops in the Pacific Northwest through the first week of November if you would like to book me for a private or public event.


The even better news… you’ll save money!


Click here for information on my shows


Click here for information on my workshops


MEXICO BOOKINGS available from Mid November 2023 through April 2024


SPRING PACIFIC NORTHWEST BOOKINGS available starting mid May, 2023


Follow these steps to book your tropical party TODAY:

If you see a Virtual Steel Drum Party scheduled on a Sunday please know that these shows are flexible, so those times are available for you to book me also!


Live Audience Remixes

One of the things I have become most passionate about over the years is interacting with the audience.  To that end, I usually get people actively involved with the music in one or more ways.  One way is to sample voices from the audience and create a live remix with those voices.  I used to post these remixes on Youtube after the shows, but wasn’t able to continue that because it was so time consuming.  Now, with the collaboration of my very talented booking coordinator and musical collaborator Jonathan Barocio, I’m able to start posting some of these remixes for posterity.  May the kids who lent their voices and those kids families enjoy these for years to come!


In September I got to return to the KOA Resort in Astoria, Oregon.  It’s a fun and friendly place with a great variety of campers.  The show was moved indoors due to the rain and cold.  The indoor venue turned out to be a blast!  Check out this remix of voices from the audience!


KOA Remix

Also in September I got to perform at the REI flagship store in downtown Seattle.  REI is one of those brands that, while having national presence, are intrinsically Seattleite; it started as a funky, counter-culture business but then went on to spread throughout the US.  REI was a place I frequented my entire childhood and I have fond memories of the original location.  This event focused on the youngest outdoor enthusiasts, and they hired me to create music for the afternoon.  Check out the heart-felt and hilarious animal sounds the kids made!



That's All for Today Folks!

Thank you for making it to the bottom of the newsletter, I hope you enjoyed the read. See you south of the border!

Keep dancin’



Ian Dobson




Click above to unsubscribe from marketing emails with special offers, newsletter, and other communications.  If you have an account on the web site and are receiving unwanted emails from there you will need to log into the site to change your preferences.


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What is Your Idea of Hawaiian Music?

People often ask if I can you play Hawaiian music for a concert or private event.

The short but inadequate answer to this question is that yes, I do play Hawaiian music.  I play ukulele and sing songs you would hear in Hawaii, and even a few that include some version of the Hawaiian language.  I also play marimba and steel drum, which are associated with tropical and Hawaiian music.  The problem is that the definition of Hawaiian music that the person asking has will determine whether they ultimately think that I am playing Hawaiian music.
That said, I have never had an unhappy customer for a Hawaiian event where I have performed.  In fact, quite a few of them have had me back for many years for their annual luau!
As someone with an academic background in music and musicology and who has been performing professionally for decades, deciding what someone means when they say they want Hawaiian music is not as simple as it seems like it should be.  The issue is that, just like in every other area of life (cuisine, agriculture, technology, and especially language), music in any culture is constantly evolving with the influx of influences from other cultures, technological innovations, etc.
If you define Hawaiian music as what existed pre-European contact you are referring to a music that includes mainly shark-skin drums, flutes, a gourd percussion instrument called an "ipu", shackers, and, especially, chanting.  
Here is an example of what this music may have sounded like:
This would likely have been accompanied by hula dancing, but only by big muscular men.  I have only worked with one group in the Pacific Northwest that offers entertainment similar to this.  I do not believe that they are still performing, however.
If your idea of Hawaiian music is ukuleles with beautiful vocal harmonies, that type of music is really a product of the colonial era and of the accelerated cultural exchanges that any seafaring society experiences.  The use European harmonies in singing was mainly introduced by missionaires.  The ukulele was introduced by Portuguese settlers to Hawaii in the late 19th century.
Or maybe your idea of Hawaiian music is the Hawaiian-born Don Ho, most famous for his song and album Tiny Bubbles.  Ho was of very mixed ethnic origins, as are most contemporary Hawaiians.  His ancestors were native Hawaiian, Chinese, Portugues, Dutch and German.  Or maybe your concept of Hawaiian music includes Elvis Presley songs.  Maybe it includes Jack Johnson, a popular, Hawaiian born-and-bred musician of the past several decades... or Bob Marley since his music and reggae in general are very popular in Hawaii... or maybe Jason Mraz, who's music also seems to lend itself to a Hawaiian vibe.  And then of course there is Israel Kamakawiwo'ole, who's incredible voice is so associated with Hawaiian music, except that some of his most popular songs are covers of North American popular music: Over the Rainbow, What a Wonderful World, Country Road, etc.
Here are my ideas of Hawaiin music and how best to provide ambiance for a Hawaiian event.
Instruments:  steel drums didn't originate in Hawaii or even Polynesia generally. However, they are a very common type of entertainment at Hawaiian-themed parties.  They are also common now in Hawaii.  Steel drums and marimbas have a lot in commin with the log drum, which is a very traditional Polynesian instrument from the pre-European era.  I consider that, at this point, steel drums, marimbas, and vibraphones are part of the Hawaiian tradition.  One important proponant of marimba and vibraphone in Hawaiian music is Arthur Lyman.  Lyman was an Hawaiian jazz vibraphone and marimba player who's group popularized a style of faux-Polynesian music during the 1950s and 1960s which later became known as exotica.  Check out the video below for an example:
Song Selection:
In terms of repertoire, my approach to Hawaiian-themed events is to generally select songs that audiences associate with a tropical vacation and, most importantly, are probably familiar with.  People almost always prefer to hear songs they know!  I perform a good helping of songs by Hawaiian artists like Iz and Jack Johnson, as well as others, such as songs from the Hawaii-focused Disney film Moana.  I also typically perform Jimmy Buffett, Bob Marley, and other non-Hawaiian artists who are nevertheless associated with tropical sounds and VERY well known and loved by audiences.
If you want an accurate musical representation of pre-European-contact Hawaiian music I am not the best choice.  However, if you want some very accessible and fun entertainment for a Hawaiian event my solo or group performances are a great option with decades of experience and happy Hawaiian-event-planning clients!
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Summer 2023 Tropical Music Fun!


Seattle, WA USA Guadalajara, JAL MX

Ian Dobson Music Newsletter

Ian and his Drums


Ian and his Drums    Ian and his Drums    iandobson.comIan and his Drums       




I've missed you all,

It’s been a while since we've had a chance to catch up, but the newsletters are back!



For the past 6 years I have been spending a lot of time in Guadalajara, the 2nd biggest metro area in Mexico. Most of that time I was caring for my father and of course the pandemic happened, so it is only now that I am finally connecting with the amazing, creative, friendly and accepting, and very open-minded music community in Guadalajara. 


Start a jazz big band and also use your classical and jazz chops to perform with a DJ? No problem in Guadalajara! Arturo de la Torre is making it look easy.  I am so looking forward to getting back down here in the fall to really dig into some creative collaborations with the musicians in this treasure-of-a music-scene!


Going forward I want to highlight some of the talented, awesome people and projects in Guadalajara. I will start today with this superb, young music agency with whom I am now working: PM Music. They are handling some of my booking tasks for the US, my social media, some copywriting, connecting me with production resources in Mexico, and much more.  A big thank you to my dude Jonathan, Mina, the other members of the PM Music team, and, especially, their fearless leader Paulina!


Below are the public shows that we have scheduled so far, but keep in mind that more are added all the time. I’ll let you know via social media of new shows as we confirm them!

I’ve been performing for some of these venues for a long time and every one of them is important to me. I’ll elaborate on many of them on my social media (follow me there, links at the top!). 


Hope to steel-drum party with you all at least once this year!



Have an upcoming family gathering, party, wedding, anniversary, birthday…? Get the BEST musical entertainment for you, your friends and your loved ones!! 


Planning a public kids or family concert, PTA fundraiser or end-of-year party, or the public grand opening of a business?  let’s get your date locked in for summer 2023!


Remember, to qualify for the 10% DISCOUNT you must mention the code “Summer2023” to us and book before the end of May 2023.


Don’t miss the best fun of the summer!  Follow these steps to book your tropical party TODAY: 


The Sunday virtual shows are flexible, so those times are available.




That’s all for today. Hope to make some music with you soon!


Keep dancin’


Ian Dobson




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Isreal kamakawiwo'ole version of

G                        Em
Almost Heaven, West Makaha,
D                               C                          G
high-ridge mountain, crystal-clear blue water.
All my friends there hanging on da beach,
young and old among them,
C                     G
feel the ocean breeze.

G                                  D
Country road, take me home,
          Em       C
to the place I belong,
         G                        D
West Makaha, Mount Ka'ala.
               C                                 G
Oh, take me home, oh, country road.

Em          D
I heard a voice,
in the morning calm, she calls me,
      C             G                         D
as though to remind me of my Home far away.
Em                       F
Driving down the road,
I feel the Spirit coming to me,
         D                          D7
from yesterday, yesterday.

G                                 Em
All my memories hold Heaven on high,
D                                     C                        G
brown-skinned woman, clear blue island sky.
Daytime sunshine, oo-ooh so bright,
D                                       C                      G
midnight moon a-glowing, stars up in the sky.



G                               Em
Almost Heaven, West Makaha,
D                                C                         G
high-ridge mountain, crystal-clear blue water.
All my friends there hanging on da beach,
young and old among them,
           C                               G
eating fish straight from the sea.

[Chorus] x4

[fade out spoken]
Huuhuu. Huuu-tah.
Em C
Good fo' be back.
White san', clean watah.
Hô boy, the mountain...feel the makani...

whew, what a place.

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This Week's Shows and Special Booking Deal!


ian dobson's music newsletter

Seattle, WA USA - Guadalajara, JAL Mexico

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Hello Friends!

I am back in Seattle after a lovely additional month in Mexico with my family and friends.  I heard and played fun music, reconnected with some of my musician colleagues there, continued with my Sunday Virtual Steel Drum Parties, booked a lot of gigs for summer in Seattle, and generally had some great adventures!




FIRST - Hello Vancouver, WA!  I'm performing on Tuesday, June 21st, 4pm to 6pm at Van Mall Retirement, 7808 NE 51st St, Vancouver, WA 98662 for their open house.  It sounds like they may have hors devours for everyone as well!  Please call (360) 896-9140 with questions.


SECOND - I'm especially excited to take my Virtual Steel Drum Party up to the Canadian Border at Gossamer Glass/Inspiration Farm this coming Sunday, June 26th!  My stepbrother Brian does amazing glass blowing art and permaculture farming there.  Brian and I are working on a memorial project for my father, his stepfather, who passed away in February.  We are blowing glass into musical instruments and including my father's ashes as part of the glass.  It is really quite beautiful!  While these musical instruments are far from finished, I will show off some of the components and make some sounds with them.  Check out Brian's web sites here: and

Gossamer Glass Virtual Steel Drum Party, 6/26/2022 4pm to 5pm PST - Please click here to get your free ticket!


In mid-July I will have one, possibly more kids shows in Kirkland and a gig for young and old with my full 5-piece band at the Kirkland Waterfront.  You won't want to miss that!

More public shows may be added at any time.  For the full schedule please click the link below and scroll down a little to view the calendar.  If you don't see a show on there that you are expecting, please check back in a few days, as sometimes it takes a while for shows to make it onto my calendar.

CLICK HERE for full schedule and details



Click the picture below to see a little musical fun on Mismaloya Beach, near Puerto Vallarta, just before I headed back to Seattle.




I've been back now for a few weeks and have already done quite a few performances.  Here's a fun video from a recent end-of-school-year party at an elementary school:







Have you been thinking about putting on an event/party this summer but haven't gotten around to it yet?  Or maybe you already have a June party scheduled but would like to add that extra special element?  Here's your chance!  I've got some open dates these last few weeks of June.  From now through July 3rd I can do a two hour solo performance for $250.  That is like 2008 prices!  Travel expenses would be added for performances more than 25 miles from Burien, WA or requiring ferries/tolls.  Other conditions also apply: I must of course have the date available, I need cover from rain and sun, the load in must be easy or strong helpers provided, etc.


Please get in touch if you are interested and I can go over all the details with you!



Keep dancin’
Ian Dobson
CLICK HERE for full schedule

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Steel Drum Party in Seattle, This Week Only!




Spring has sprung and I am back in Seattle for a few days to perform at the Boats Afloat Show on Lake Union, tomorrow, Saturday!

Please pardon the new newsletter formatting.  I am getting the newsletter set up on a new platform.

I will only be around for about a week, into the very beginning of May.  If you have been thinking about throwing a party between now and around May 12th, please reach out and let's get you some live, tropical music to take your party to the next level!

How about a Cinco de Mayo party!?!

Please let me know before Monday, May 2nd.  After your party :) I'm heading back to Guadalajara for several weeks, then I'll be back at the beginning of June.  Lot's of demand for June, but there are still dates available from June through the rest of the summer.  Let's enjoy life this summer!


Upcoming Shows


***Boats Afloat Show


4/30/2022 3pm to 6pm, Chandler's Cove, 901 Fairview Ave N, Seattle, WA 98109

I'll be playing for a yacht christening party at the Outer Reef Yachts booth.

Artist: Ian Dobson Solo

Click Here for Tickets and Details



***Ian Dobson's Virtual Steel Drum Party


5/1/2022 4pm to 4:30pm PST

Please click here to get your free ticket!



Keep dancin’
Ian Dobson
CLICK HERE for full schedule

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Spring has sprung, and so I announce the sprouting of a tiny bud of an idea I have been thinking about and planning for years.  But first, a quick note about a great show tomorrow…



***Kent Regional Library-Ian Dobson's Steel Drum Party-Solo


3/26/16 3pm to 3:45pm, Kent Regional Library, 212 2nd Avenue North, Kent, WA 98032, United States


Artist: Ian Dobson




Details: Culture, Music, Creativity, Technology

Dance, clap, and stomp along to live steel drum music!  This rhythmical journey uses music, dance, and movement to inspire resourcefulness, creativity, confidence, and an interest in exploring other languages and cultures.  Ian has performed it hundreds of times all over the United States for young audiences large and small.  Ian is performing as part of the King County Library System’s “Many Voices, One Land” 2016 program.



And now back to my big announcement! 




My Rhythm Academy offers educational music performances and workshops, but it has always been my plan that, at its heart, the Rhythm Academy would offer innovative percussion curriculum that can be accessed anywhere.


The overall goal is to create adventures in music by making learning music accessible, affordable and social.  The strategy is to leverage the number of students I can reach by encouraging peer mentoring through socialnetworking.  The on-line, social-network-based curriculum includes:


*Peer Mentoring


*Frequent Instructor Evaluation


*Step-By-Step Curriculum


*Gaming Elements


I am just trying out this teaching concept for the first time and eager to see how it works and what sort of feedback I receive.  For now the on-line curriculum/rhythm game is just for minors, but requires an adult to sign up for my web site on behalf of the minor.  If you are already signed up for my web site it is easy to add a minor to your account.




Do you have children, grandchildren, or other kids in your life that might enjoy trying out a new way of learning music?  If so, please click on the page below:


Thank you!!!!  I am very excited about this…






My new artwork for the Ian Dobson’s Steel Drum Party show is so much fun!





But wait, do you or someone you know like to color?  Here is an outline version of the above picture for you, your kids, or your friends  to color in.  Why not add in some musical notes while you’re at it?


please click here for a link to the coloring page for printing


If you are a member of I would love to see you scan (or take a picture on your phone) your colored page and post it on the site.   Or just email it back to me at this address and I will post it.


Have fun! 


I look forward to seeing you at the Rhythm Academy-either on line or at one of my shows or workshops!


Ian Dobson

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Oh my it’s been a long time since I’ve sent out a newsletter.  So much exciting stuff has been going on that I haven’t had a chance.  I'm thrilled to give you an update now!

I had a very busy summer full of rewarding performances throughout the Puget sound area and beyond.  This fall I had a great tour of schools in Washington, Montana, and Idaho.  I am terribly excited about the creative possibilities of my very unique musical setup as I continue to master all this new technology.

I am hoping in about one week to have my first on-line, gamified lesson posted for Ian Dobson’s Rhythm Academy.  Please keep your eyes out for a newsletter regarding that shortly.  I would love for as many kids as possible to sign up and give it a try!

Please come and join me in the next several days for some creative, rhythmic, tropical fun.  Here are some upcoming public shows:

***Tommy Bahama Spring Line Launch -Ian Dobson's Steel Drum Party-Solo

2/6/16 1pm to 5pm, Tommy Bahama, Bellevue Square (The Bellevue Collection), Bellevue, WA, United States

Artist: Ian Dobson






Stop by the store if you are in the area.  Ian will be doing a chilled-out bunch of sets creating an awesome island vibe.  They are launching their new Spring arrivals from their new design team.


*** Redmond Regional Library-Ian Dobson's Steel Drum Party-Solo

2/7/16 1pm to 1:45pm, 15990 NE 85th St, Redmond, WA 98052, United States



Ian Dobson






Culture, Music, Creativity, Technology

Dance, clap, and stomp along to live steel drum music!  This rhythmical journey uses music, dance, and movement to inspire resourcefulness, creativity, confidence, and an interest in exploring other languages and cultures.  Ian has performed it hundreds of times all over the United States for young audiences large and small.  Ian is performing as part of the King County Library System’s “Many Voices, One Land” 2016 program.


*** Des Moines Library-Ian Dobson's Steel Drum Party-Solo

2/16/16 12:30pm to 1:15pm, 21620 11th Ave S, Des Moines, WA 98198, United States



Ian Dobson






Culture, Music, Creativity, Technology

Same show as February 7th in Redmond, see description above.

Library Phone: 206-824-6066


This fall I created a bunch of remixes of live shows.  I remixed all of my shows from my Montana/Idaho tour and a good number of library and festival shows and workshops from last summer.  Please click here to check them out on my youtube channel. 

If you saw one of my shows in 2015 and don’t see a remix of that show here please let me know if you would be interested in having one.  If I get enough interest in a particular show I may be able to create a remix of it.

I have already booked a ton of library shows for summer 2016.  I have a special show this summer in honor of the olympics called:

Clap Hands, Stomp Feet, Find Brazil’s Olympic Beat


Please click here to see all the shows and workshops I am currently offering.

I look forward to seeing you at one of these winter shows!

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Oh my it’s been a long time since I’ve sent out a newsletter.  So much exciting stuff has been going on that I haven’t had a chance.  I'm thrilled to give you an update now!

I had a very busy summer full of rewarding performances throughout the Puget sound area and beyond.  This fall I had a great tour of schools in Washington, Montana, and Idaho.  I am terribly excited about the creative possibilities of my very unique musical setup as I continue to master all this new technology.

I am hoping in about one week to have my first on-line, gamified lesson posted for Ian Dobson’s Rhythm Academy.  Please keep your eyes out for a newsletter regarding that shortly.  I would love for as many kids as possible to sign up and give it a try!

Please come and join me in the next several days for some creative, rhythmic, tropical fun.  Here are some upcoming public shows:

***Tommy Bahama Spring Line Launch -Ian Dobson's Steel Drum Party-Solo

2/6/16 1pm to 5pm, Tommy Bahama, Bellevue Square (The Bellevue Collection), Bellevue, WA, United States

Artist: Ian Dobson






Stop by the store if you are in the area.  Ian will be doing a chilled-out bunch of sets creating an awesome island vibe.  They are launching their new Spring arrivals from their new design team.


*** Redmond Regional Library-Ian Dobson's Steel Drum Party-Solo

2/7/16 1pm to 1:45pm, 15990 NE 85th St, Redmond, WA 98052, United States



Ian Dobson






Culture, Music, Creativity, Technology

Dance, clap, and stomp along to live steel drum music!  This rhythmical journey uses music, dance, and movement to inspire resourcefulness, creativity, confidence, and an interest in exploring other languages and cultures.  Ian has performed it hundreds of times all over the United States for young audiences large and small.  Ian is performing as part of the King County Library System’s “Many Voices, One Land” 2016 program.


*** Des Moines Library-Ian Dobson's Steel Drum Party-Solo

2/16/16 12:30pm to 1:15pm, 21620 11th Ave S, Des Moines, WA 98198, United States



Ian Dobson






Culture, Music, Creativity, Technology

Same show as February 7th in Redmond, see description above.

Library Phone: 206-824-6066


This fall I created a bunch of remixes of live shows.  I remixed all of my shows from my Montana/Idaho tour and a good number of library and festival shows and workshops from last summer.  Please click here to check them out on my youtube channel. 

If you saw one of my shows in 2015 and don’t see a remix of that show here please let me know if you would be interested in having one.  If I get enough interest in a particular show I may be able to create a remix of it.

I have already booked a ton of library shows for summer 2016.  I have a special show this summer in honor of the olympics called:

Clap Hands, Stomp Feet, Find Brazil’s Olympic Beat


Please click here to see all the shows and workshops I am currently offering.

I look forward to seeing you at one of these winter shows!

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Oh my it’s been a long time since I’ve sent out a newsletter.  So much exciting stuff has been going on that I haven’t had a chance.  I'm thrilled to give you an update now!

I had a very busy summer full of rewarding performances throughout the Puget sound area and beyond.  This fall I had a great tour of schools in Washington, Montana, and Idaho.  I am terribly excited about the creative possibilities of my very unique musical setup as I continue to master all this new technology.

I am hoping in about one week to have my first on-line, gamified lesson posted for Ian Dobson’s Rhythm Academy.  Please keep your eyes out for a newsletter regarding that shortly.  I would love for as many kids as possible to sign up and give it a try!

Please come and join me in the next several days for some creative, rhythmic, tropical fun.  Here are some upcoming public shows:

***Tommy Bahama Spring Line Launch -Ian Dobson's Steel Drum Party-Solo

2/6/16 1pm to 5pm, Tommy Bahama, Bellevue Square (The Bellevue Collection), Bellevue, WA, United States

Artist: Ian Dobson






Stop by the store if you are in the area.  Ian will be doing a chilled-out bunch of sets creating an awesome island vibe.  They are launching their new Spring arrivals from their new design team.


*** Redmond Regional Library-Ian Dobson's Steel Drum Party-Solo

2/7/16 1pm to 1:45pm, 15990 NE 85th St, Redmond, WA 98052, United States



Ian Dobson






Culture, Music, Creativity, Technology

Dance, clap, and stomp along to live steel drum music!  This rhythmical journey uses music, dance, and movement to inspire resourcefulness, creativity, confidence, and an interest in exploring other languages and cultures.  Ian has performed it hundreds of times all over the United States for young audiences large and small.  Ian is performing as part of the King County Library System’s “Many Voices, One Land” 2016 program.


*** Des Moines Library-Ian Dobson's Steel Drum Party-Solo

2/16/16 12:30pm to 1:15pm, 21620 11th Ave S, Des Moines, WA 98198, United States



Ian Dobson






Culture, Music, Creativity, Technology

Same show as February 7th in Redmond, see description above.

Library Phone: 206-824-6066


This fall I created a bunch of remixes of live shows.  I remixed all of my shows from my Montana/Idaho tour and a good number of library and festival shows and workshops from last summer.  Please click here to check them out on my youtube channel. 

If you saw one of my shows in 2015 and don’t see a remix of that show here please let me know if you would be interested in having one.  If I get enough interest in a particular show I may be able to create a remix of it.

I have already booked a ton of library shows for summer 2016.  I have a special show this summer in honor of the olympics called:

Clap Hands, Stomp Feet, Find Brazil’s Olympic Beat


Please click here to see all the shows and workshops I am currently offering.

I look forward to seeing you at one of these winter shows!

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Oh my it’s been a long time since I’ve sent out a newsletter.  So much exciting stuff has been going on that I haven’t had a chance.  I'm thrilled to give you an update now!

I had a very busy summer full of rewarding performances throughout the Puget sound area and beyond.  This fall I had a great tour of schools in Washington, Montana, and Idaho.  I am terribly excited about the creative possibilities of my very unique musical setup as I continue to master all this new technology.

I am hoping in about one week to have my first on-line, gamified lesson posted for Ian Dobson’s Rhythm Academy.  Please keep your eyes out for a newsletter regarding that shortly.  I would love for as many kids as possible to sign up and give it a try!

Please come and join me in the next several days for some creative, rhythmic, tropical fun.  Here are some upcoming public shows:

***Tommy Bahama Spring Line Launch -Ian Dobson's Steel Drum Party-Solo

2/6/16 1pm to 5pm, Tommy Bahama, Bellevue Square (The Bellevue Collection), Bellevue, WA, United States

Artist: Ian Dobson






Stop by the store if you are in the area.  Ian will be doing a chilled-out bunch of sets creating an awesome island vibe.  They are launching their new Spring arrivals from their new design team.


*** Redmond Regional Library-Ian Dobson's Steel Drum Party-Solo

2/7/16 1pm to 1:45pm, 15990 NE 85th St, Redmond, WA 98052, United States



Ian Dobson






Culture, Music, Creativity, Technology

Dance, clap, and stomp along to live steel drum music!  This rhythmical journey uses music, dance, and movement to inspire resourcefulness, creativity, confidence, and an interest in exploring other languages and cultures.  Ian has performed it hundreds of times all over the United States for young audiences large and small.  Ian is performing as part of the King County Library System’s “Many Voices, One Land” 2016 program.


*** Des Moines Library-Ian Dobson's Steel Drum Party-Solo

2/16/16 12:30pm to 1:15pm, 21620 11th Ave S, Des Moines, WA 98198, United States



Ian Dobson






Culture, Music, Creativity, Technology

Same show as February 7th in Redmond, see description above.

Library Phone: 206-824-6066


This fall I created a bunch of remixes of live shows.  I remixed all of my shows from my Montana/Idaho tour and a good number of library and festival shows and workshops from last summer.  Please click here to check them out on my youtube channel. 

If you saw one of my shows in 2015 and don’t see a remix of that show here please let me know if you would be interested in having one.  If I get enough interest in a particular show I may be able to create a remix of it.

I have already booked a ton of library shows for summer 2016.  I have a special show this summer in honor of the olympics called:

Clap Hands, Stomp Feet, Find Brazil’s Olympic Beat


Please click here to see all the shows and workshops I am currently offering.

I look forward to seeing you at one of these winter shows!

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Steel Drum Party

This represents one complete show (video from two different performances) and includes two of the optional activities: the cup song and inventing musical instruments out of recycled materials.  Ian Dobson's Steel Drum Party is one of the summer reading programs that I am offering to libraries for summer 2016.  The optional activities can be done by library patrons at home before the show or the librarian can organize them as activities at the library prior to the show.


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Two or three times now I’ve played for a wedding where I’m dealing with the family for months and only find out when I am at the wedding performing that the groom’s father is a celebrity. Last night’s wedding was particularly fun in this way…

Groom: “can my dad sit in with you guys on some Santana tunes”
Me: “sure” (thinking to myself, “now just let me get back to setting up!”)
Groom: (Trying to get my attention) “let me tell you the reason why, my dad played for Santana from 1976 to 1987.”
Me: “what, is your dad Michael Shrieve?” (beating my brain now thinking that the last name "Lear" sounded very familiar).
Groom: “no he’s Graham Lear”

Modern drummer articles from my youth about Graham Lear flood back to my memory, as well as seeing him play with Santana in the mid 1980s.

So Graham Lear of Santana and REO Speedwagon and , currently, of Paul Anka, sat in with us for about 30 minutes. We had a blast! Graham and Ernesto Pediangco were rockin some exact percussion quotes from the Santana recordings.

Graham is a superb musician and a very nice guy to boot!


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Bass Drum Belly

During my two gigs today I noticed a particular awesome new resonance to my belly during the body percussion portion of my show. Much like a concert bass drum. In COMPLETELY unrelated news I have been super busy performing so have stopped going to the gym... and am eating ice cream every night.

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I've got another bunch of great kid-friendly shows this week, a number of teen-friendly workshops, family-friendly concerts at various locations, and one over 21 show. Starting with the family-friendly....

what are you doing for the 4th of July? You don't know you say? Why not head up to Suncadia resort with the family and enjoy Splash Fest!?

Or, if you are in the Issaquah area on Saturday, July 11th, you can catch me performing at Grand Ridge Plaza. Here are details about these two events:

***Splash Fest at Suncadia Resort -Ian Dobson's Steel Drum Party-Trio

7/4/2015 1:30pm to 3pm

Village Amphitheatre and Pavilion, 270 Big Hill Drive, Cle Elum, WA 98922

Artist: Ian Dobson, Ernesto Pediangco, Christian Krehbiel

Tickets: Free!


Ian Dobson’s Steel Drum Party performs from 1:30pm to 3pm, but festivities go on all day, from 10am-4pm. Besides the irresistible summer music, you get: • Waterslide Bouncy House (Free) • Build-A-Boat 10:00am($60/boat) • Water Balloon Toss (Free) • Dunk Tank (Free) • Foam Party (Free) • Surf Machine (Free) • Make Your Own Bubbles Craft ($5) Come out to a lovely location on a beautiful day and celebrate the 4th of July with Ian Dobson!

***Grand Ridge Plaza-Ian Dobson's Steel Drum Party-Solo

7/11/2015 2pm to 5pm

Plaza Fountain, Grand Ridge Plaza, 1451 Highlands Drive Northeast, Issaquah, WA 98029, United States

More information at:

Details: Ian will perform three sets of irresistible summerry music at the Plaza Fountain at Grand Ridge Plaza. Come enjoy Ian's music as well as the strolling musicians and entertainers that will be in the plaza. Ian will feature his super unique setup and perform on steel drums, electronic marimba, ukulele, percussion, and voice.

Below is one of my few over-21 events:

***Bahama Breeze-Ian Dobson's Steel Drum Party-Solo

7/4/2015 6pm to 9pm

15700 Southcenter Pkwy, Tukwila, WA 98188

NO COVER CHARGE! Just the price of your food/drink.


Ian hasn't performed at the Bahama Breeze in several years. They are bringing him back to spice up some of the Saturday nights this summer. We are pretty sure he'll be performing out on the deck where the live music usually happens. Come on down and enjoy the Caribbean food and fun atmosphere!

***Make Music-Save The Planet (Children/Family Program)

Recommended for ages 4 through 14

Artist: Ian Dobson Solo


Come join the fun and dance, clap, and stomp along to live steel drum music! What do all super heroes have in common? They face challenges, learn to be creative, work hard and find solutions to problems. You can become a musical super hero as you learn how to invent your own instrument using materials you might throw away. Learn about music superheroes of the past and be a music superhero for the future and how you can use your superpowers to save the planet! Learn how you can be music superheroes by inventing your own way to make music out of recycled materials.

1. 7/1/2015 11:30am to 12:15pm Fairwood Library, 17009 140th Avenue Southeast, Renton, WA 98058

2. 7/1/2015 4pm to 4:45pm (then performing in same location for Sammamish Farmers Market from 5pm to 6pm) Sammamish Library, 825 228th Avenue Southeast Sammamish, WA 98075

3. 7/7/2015 4pm to 4:45pm Vashon Library, 17707 100th Avenue Southwest, Vashon Island, WA 98065, United States

***Bucket Drumming Remix: Unmask your Drumming Talent!--THIS IS A WORKSHOP

Recommended for ages 11 through 18


Ian Dobson Solo


How are the Caribbean Islands, physics, music, and computers related? Attendees will play bucket drums and help produce the Kent Library's Summer 2015 Bucket Drumming Remix and find out! In this program Ian Dobson shares how people waith few resources in various cultures have used their creativity and resourcefulness to engineer sophisticated musical instruments from recycled materials. The primary example used in the show is the Caribbean instrument called the steel drum. Ian begins the show by performing on the steel drum, getting attendees involved with dancing and rhythmic games, providing a bit of cultural and historical background, and introducing the musical concept of “syncopation” which is so prominent in Caribbean music. He then presents a section on the physics of the steel drum with the cognitive learning objective of students being able to explain a sound wave and how multiple different pitches are achieved on one piece of material. Recycled buckets are then given to the students and they are asked to explore the sounds of the bucket themselves, apply the physics learned from the steel drum to the sounds created by the bucket, and be able to explain the basic physics of how the bucket sounds are made. Ian then explores syncopation more deeply by teaching students basic bucket drumming with the physical learning objective of students being able to demonstrate syncopation. To finish up the show Ian introduces digital technology into the mix so that attendees can relate their workshop experience more to the contemporary digital music that teenagers listen to. Attendees perform acoustic sounds that Ian then captures digitally with the cognitive learning objective of being able to explain what happens to the sound wave when it becomes digitized. Attendees collaborate with Ian to decide which digital processes to apply to these acoustic sounds and a final acoustic/digital performance is created.

1. 7/2/2015 2:30pm to 4pm Graham Pierce County Library, 9202 224th Street East, Graham, WA 98338

2. 7/9/2015 2pm to 3:30pm Woodinville Library, 17105 Avondale Road Northeast, Woodinville, WA 98072, United States

I look forward to seeing you at some of the many shows this summer!

Keep dancin’

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