Bucket Drumming Remix Details

Dear friend


My name is Ian Dobson. I am a musician/entertainer offering unique programs for people of all ages. Think Blue Man Group meets Stomp meets Steel Drums!  I offer highly-interactive music performances and workshops and I have done many college programs over the years with my show “Ian Dobson’s Pan Leggo”.


“What the heck does “Pan Leggo” mean?” you might ask. Well, it means “Steel Drum Party”, and believe me when I tell you that IT IS ALWAYS A BLAST! Our performance is ideal for all types of festive campus events, from spring festivals to multicultural celebrations, graduations, Earth Day, fall parties and more! Every time is a great time to party!


Check out this sample selection of what our performance offers: 



Audios aren’t stored there. Take them from here: https://iandobson.com.domains.midwesternweb.net/panleggo/Music.html 

Day O


Ran Kan Kan










Son de la Loma



2471 S 116th Way Unit #1_Move In_2023-06-02 (2).pdf





Shake Senora


Oye Como Va


You Can Call Me Al


Giant Steps








GREATLY RECOMMENDED!! Allow your students to experience one or more workshops in addition to our performance! Our many educational experiences include Latin dance workshops, drumming workshops, working with school bands or jazz bands as a guest soloist and clinician in Caribbean musical styles, a workshop on music technology, and guest-speaking on Caribbean music in Spanish and Portuguese classes!


Recycalypso Orchestra

The steel drum is a beautiful, highly-sophisticated and versatile instrument… but its origin is quite humble. Did you know that this marvelous example of human ingenuity was created out of metal junk by people in the Caribbean and was first used to play a musical style called “Calypso”? 


“Recycalypso - A musical exploration of culture and creative frugality”  is our most unique workshop, and the one that generates the most interest. It is an excellent fit if you are trying to promote recycling on your campus, and it’s also great for a Green Festival or spring event! The workshop & performance takes the amazing example of the steel drum and uses it to inspire participants to explore their own resourcefulness and creativity by creating musical instruments out of recycled materials and performing on them.


Beat Making with Your Sounds

Have you ever wanted to be a DJ, a sound designer for video games, a songwriter/composer, or a music producer?  In this workshop Ian will introduce you to Ableton Live, a very powerful software tool used in these and other fields.  


This workshop is available as a one-time beat-making experience or a series of workshops that cover all the basics of music. It features online curriculum materials that attendees can continue to work with at home after we meet. 

Bucket Drumming Remix

How are the Caribbean Islands, physics, music, and computers related? Participants find out while playing bucket drums and helping to produce their own musical recording! 

This video will give you a general idea of the Recycalypso workshop:



We encourage students to start experimenting with recycled sounds even before we arrive on campus:


Here is a radio interview on the Skagit Valley Community College station that I did before my workshop there where I explain the recycalypso concept:


And finally here is an example of a video I posted after a workshop for students to appreciate their work.  All music and song names were created on the spot by students with coaching from me.



Please feel free to get in touch any time to discuss how we can bring the steel drum party to your campus!


Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you! Let’s get this party started!!



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